August 19, 2016

Booster Association

SDHS Band Boosters Association, Inc. Bylaws

Article I – Name
The name of this non-profit organization shall be the South Doyle Band Boosters Association, Inc.

Article II – Purpose
The purposes of the Corporation are:

    • To promote and coordinate volunteer activities of parents, students, and patrons in achieving an enhanced academic and musical experience for band students;
    • To promote and coordinate volunteer activities of parents, students, and patrons in raising and administering funds to support the activities of the band program;
    • To promote and encourage participation and support for the Band by students and faculty of South Doyle High School and by the Knox County School System.
  • To be organized as a nonprofit corporation under the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporation Act, exercising only such powers as set forth in subsection ¤ 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under which the corporation chooses to qualify for exemption.

Article III – Membership
Membership in the Association shall consist of the parents of high school and middle school band members, interested school patrons, band directors, and school principals. Only parents/guardians of high school band members are eligible to hold office and vote at meetings.

Article IV – Officers and Duties
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the officers of the Association, which shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Accounts Receivable Treasurer, Accounts Payable Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Director of Bands (ex-officio), and an Assistant Director of Bands (ex-officio).

The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Association, shall chair the Board, shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, and shall establish an annual financial audit.

The Vice President shall perform duties of the President in his or her absence, shall act in an advisory capacity, and shall, in case of inability to serve or resignation of the President, fill the President’s unexpired term. The Vice President is also responsible for keeping parents and the community informed of band and booster association activities.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Board and Association meetings and make these available to the membership through a written report and shall prepare the Annual Report.

The Accounts Receivable Treasurer shall be responsible for recording all funds and assets of the corporation as received, shall maintain the student accounts, and shall submit a financial statement at each regular Board meeting.

The Accounts Payable Treasurer shall be responsible for signing disbursement checks, keeping financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; shall submit a financial statement at each regular Board meeting; shall be responsible for delivering the records to the successor Treasurer; and shall be responsible for preparing the annual financial report.

The Fundraising Chair shall be responsible for chairing the fundraising committee. The committee shall be responsible for promoting and coordinating the development and implementation of fundraising activities for the Association.

The Director of Bands shall be responsible for recommending to the Board activities and programs which will enhance the academic, musical, and social experience for band students; shall submit to the Board for approval a proposed annual operating budget; and shall advise the Board on the activities and operation of the Association. The Assistant Director of Bands shall be responsible for acting on behalf of the Director of Bands according to the DirectorÕs guidance and instructions.

Article V – Nominations and Elections
Officers of the Association shall be elected at the regular annual meeting.

At the March Board meeting, a nominating committee of not less than three (3) members, including the Director of Bands, shall be named to present a slate of officers at the April Board meeting. Officers shall be elected at the regular annual meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.

Terms of office shall be from July 1 to June 30. The term of office shall be one year or until a successor is elected. Officers must have a student in the band during his or her term in office. In the event that an officer’s child terminates his or her membership in the band, that officer will no longer be eligible to serve.

Should an officer be unable to complete his or her term, the Board of Directors will elect a successor who shall serve for the remainder of the departed officer’s term.

Article VI – Meetings
A regular annual meeting of the general membership of this organization shall be held at such time and place as shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Board may also hold other meetings of the general membership from time to time by notice from the Board of at least ten days. Quorum shall consist of 10 percent of the enrolled membership.

Article VII – Amendments
The By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual meeting. The membership shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendments thirty (30) days prior to adoption of the proposed amendments.

Article VII – Government
Robert’s Rule Of Order, Revised shall govern this Association in all cases to which they are applicable in so far as they are not inconsistent with these By-laws.

Board Members for 2023-2024

Mark Crisp

Tracy Waldrop

Melissa Robinson – Accounts Payable & Receivable

Sarah Chambers-Powell

Uniform Chair
Remola Turner

Angela Jones